
This is an experiment--maybe a good one, maybe a bad one. We'll see. It was born from ruminations about whether there wasn't a better way to keep in touch with far-flung family and friends than relying on occasional phone calls and chance meetings.

I hope you'll post your comments, responses and original thoughts here, too. That way, this monologue will quickly turn into a conversation!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

DIY, Financial Wellness at Work, Chapter 3


Photo Credit: Benold Financial Planning
Recently, I set up a Slack channel at work described thusly:

"An information and learning commons to jointly develop the financial acumen we fear we don't have." 

 I did it because the issue of not knowing where to start had emerged as a theme in both random discussions and on our annual employee survey.  After a lifetime spent managing the financial affairs of small businesses and nonprofits, I figured I've learned enough to lead self-help discussions. I don't think of myself as a financial expert, just a knowledgeable amateur. 

DIY - Financial Wellness at Work, Chapter 2

Photo Credit: Benold Financial Planning

Recently, I set up a Slack channel at work described thusly:

"An information and learning commons to jointly develop the financial acumen we fear we don't have." 

 I did it because the issue of not knowing where to start had emerged as a theme in both random discussions and on our annual employee survey.  After a lifetime spent managing the financial affairs of small businesses and nonprofits, I figured I've learned enough to lead self-help discussions. I don't think of myself as a financial expert, just a knowledgeable amateur. 

DIY - Financial Wellness at Work

 Recently, I set up a Slack channel at work descri

Photo Credit: Benold Financial Planning

bed thusly: "An information and learning commons to jointly develop the financial acumen we fear we don't have."  I did it because the issue of not knowing where to start had emerged as a theme in a number of random discussions and on our annual employee survey.  After a lifetime spent managing the financial affairs of small businesses and nonprofits, I figured I'd learned enough to lead self-help discussions. I don't think of myself as a financial expert, just a knowledgeable amateur. 
The experiment is still new. That said, it's been fun so far and early reactions have been positive.  To get the conversation going, I've tried to post about subjects of interest once a week. These are my first two.